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Significant Sporting Events Program

Funding Providers

Sport and Recreation Victoria



Funding Type

Cash grant G05616

Primary Category

Sport and recreation

Eligible to

  • Local Governments
  • Businesses
  • Not-for-Profits


Amount (max): $150,000
Total pool: Undisclosed




The Significant Sporting Events Program helps sporting, community and event organisations to deliver significant sporting events in Victoria.


The Significant Sporting Events Program is open all year, with six funding rounds each year.

Applicants are required to submit their applications at least six months prior to the event and should take into consideration the following timelines each year:

The Significant Sporting Events Program reflects and supports the Victorian strategic framework for sport and recreation, Active Victoria, which outlines the government’s plan to strengthen the sport and recreation sector, and contribute to: 

  • healthier Victorians 
  • economic growth and jobs
  • community cohesion 
  • liveability.

The Significant Sporting Events Program is available to sporting events that are national or international in focus, or have regional significance, and are recognised by a relevant sporting body. These events may include, but are not limited to:

  • international or national open/youth/masters events 
  • one-off international or national sporting matches 
  • sports conferences / sports forums.

Funding Details

The Program has three types of grants available:

  1. Event Assistance Grants (up to $20,000) 
  2. Event Development Grants (up to $150,000*)
  3. Strategic Event Planning Grants (up to $20,000)

*Higher grant amounts may be available and will be considered on a case by case basis by Sport and Recreation Victoria.

Please call the Events unit of Sport and Recreation Victoria prior to submitting an application - (03) 9623 1429 or email (include 'Significant Sporting Events Program' as the subject line).


Who can apply?

The following organisations are eligible for funding: 

  • national sporting organisations 
  • state sporting associations 
  • regional sports assemblies 
  • local government authorities 
  • sport conference organisers 
  • local sporting clubs and associations 
  • private event organisations 
  • not for profit organisations 
  • venues.

In addition, to be eligible for funding applicants must:

  • be an incorporated body, cooperative or association (including business associations)
  • possess an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be financially solvent
  • have satisfactorily met reporting requirements on any grants received from the Victorian Government.

What will not be funded?

The Significant Sporting Events Program will not fund:

Event related:

  • appearance fees 
  • event bids 
  • purchase of assets (including buildings and vehicles) 
  • travel by teams or individuals to events 
  • recurrent operating costs, for example rent and utility costs 
  • purchase of land (any underlying asset created by a funded activity is to be owned by the Federal, state or local governments or a nonprofit community organisation) 
  • routine or ongoing maintenance activities 
  • events that have received funding through the Victorian Government’s Major Events Fund 
  • events staged outside of Victoria 
  • events that will commence less than six months after an application is received (subject to the discretion of Sport and Recreation Victoria).

Financial Management:

  • organisations that have failed to acquit previous funding support provided by Sport and Recreation Victoria or another state government department.

Program Alignment:

  • events that do not align with the objectives of the program 
  • events that do not strongly address the assessment criteria.

Contact Details

We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.