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Regional Events Fund - Stream 1 - Regional Event Acquisition (REA)

Funding Providers

Visit Victoria
The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) (VIC)



Funding Type

Cash grant G07784

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Local Governments
  • Unincorporated Groups
  • Businesses
  • Not-for-Profits


Amount (max): $1,000,000
Total pool: $20,000,000




The $20 million Regional Events Fund supports events held in regional Victoria, showcasing our regional tourism strengths and building Victoria's reputation as an events destination.


The REF supports the attraction, development, marketing and growth of events in regional Victoria with the aim of:

  • increase economic benefits by driving visitation from outside of the region and the State and extending length of stay and yield;
  • showcase Victoria’s key regional tourism strengths and build Victoria’s reputation as an events destination; and
  • develop a sustainable calendar of regional events.

The REF is available through three funding streams:

  • Regional Event Acquisition (REA)
  • Event Growth and Development (EGD) - Stream Two
  • Event Industry Support (EIS) - Stream Three

Stream 1 - Regional Event Acquisition (REA)  - up to $1 million.

One off or ongoing major events for the State, held in regional locations that:

  • are exclusive to Victoria
  • have the capacity to attract large scale visitation from core markets
  • are of international or national significance
  • deliver national and/or international profile to a region due to the scale of the event
  • Elite sport, not amateur or junior events.

All applicants must discuss their proposed event with Visit Victoria or your Regional Tourism Board. After this, you will be invited to submit a proposal.


Eligibility Criteria:

Eligible Applicants Applications will be considered from:

  • Private sector organisations (where projects will deliver a clear public benefit);
  • Victorian Local Government Authorities;
  • Regional Tourism Boards (RTB); or
  • Not for profit organisations, including sporting, cultural and community groups that are an incorporated body, cooperative or association.

Funded organisations must:

  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN); and
  • have a minimum of $20 million public liability insurance and other relevant insurance cover.

Ineligible events:

The REF will not allocate funding to support:

  • Community events;
  • Agricultural/country shows;
  • Charity fundraising events;
  • Regional racing carnivals;
  • Business events and conferences;
  • Events with religious ceremony or celebration as the principal focus such as Easter or Christmas celebrations; and
  • Community public holiday celebrations

Contact Details

We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.