Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) - Prepare & Recover
Funding Providers
Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR)
Australia WideFunding Type
Cash grant G10042
Primary Category
Rural and regionalEligible to
- Unincorporated Groups
- Not-for-Profits
Amount (max): $25,000Total pool: Unknown
The Strengthening Rural Communities (SRC) Prepare & Recover program supports communities in remote, rural and regional communities across Australia to implement initiatives that prevent and prepare for future climate related impacts, or recover from existing disasters through the medium to long term process.
Grants up to $25,000 are available for a broad range of initiatives that focus on community-led resilience building in recovery or preparedness to strengthen the capacity and capability of local people and systems, especially to manage the impact of future disasters.
Projects that focus on strengthening local inclusion, networks, communication, information sharing, self-organising systems, local decision making, resourcing, tools and support will be prioritised.
Demonstration of project need must reference a specific climate impact or event, either historic or likely to occur in the future.
A broad range of charitable activities are considered under this program, including
- Delivering, or providing projects, events, programs, initiatives and services;
- Purchasing or hiring equipment and materials;
- Community infrastructure;
- Activities and resources that will strengthen your organisation or local networks (capacity building);
- Community resource development;
- Staffing and running costs for the organisation where required to deliver the activity.
Is my organisation eligible?
To apply, your organisation must meet the following criteria
- Applicant organisations must be a not-for-profit organisation with either an Incorporation Certificate and/or an ABN. If you are unsure if your organisation is a registered not-for-profit (for example, if you are a Co-operative, Other Unincorporated Entity, Public Company or Trust), please contact FRRR;
- Project must be for charitable purposes and offer clear public benefit;
- Organisations with or without DGR endorsement are eligible;
- Organisations can submit one application per grant round;
- Projects must benefit communities in remote, rural or regional Australia.
Please note, you will be considered ineligible if the:
- Organisation submits more than one application per grant round in the Strengthening Rural Communities program – either Small & Vital, Rebuilding Regional Communities or Prepare & Recover;
- Application is submitted by individuals, sole traders, private or commercial businesses (as per the submitted ABN);
- Application is submitted by an organisation that is not a legal entity, without the written consent of the governing / partnering body who holds the ABN / Incorporation number;
- Application is submitted without required financial documentation (see additional information on the second tab);
- Final report/s from any FRRR grants awarded in the previous seven years have not been acquitted (delivery organisations should check with legal organisation to see if there are any outstanding final reports);
- Application is for a project or activity that has already occurred / is occurring prior to the announcement of funding;
- Application is incomplete. NOTE: Due to the volume of applications received, applications are assessed based on the documentation received at the time of application. FRRR is unlikely to follow up missing documentation after applications have been submitted.
There are several areas that we can’t fund through this program. If in doubt, please contact us.
- Projects that support core business and areas of responsibility of Federal, State and Local Governments;
- Solely ongoing core organisational operational costs (e.g. rent, utilities, regular wages, loan repayments);
- The encouragement or advancement of sport, recreation and social activities are not considered charitable activities under Australian law. Applications from sporting organisations need to clearly demonstrate charitable outcomes and benefit to the wider community that are above and beyond the sporting activities of the club;
- Overseas travel and overseas projects;
- Prizes, gifts, trophies or awards;
- Political lobbying;
- Projects that primarily benefit private business, a sole trader, or private interests;
- Projects solely focused on animal welfare; and
- Initiatives relating to pandemic recovery, mice plagues, other environmental disease, economic disruptions, or other events causing significant community impacts.
Applications / Guidelines
Contact Details
- Phone: 1800 170 020
- Email:
We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.