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AgTech Grants Program - Early-Stage AgTech Startups

Funding Providers

Agriculture Victoria



Funding Type

Cash grant G12894

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Individuals
  • Businesses
  • Not-for-Profits


Amount (max): $50,000
Total pool: Undisclosed




LaunchVic has again partnered with Agriculture Victoria to increase support for early-stage AgTech startups across Victoria by rapidly providing small amounts of working capital to help startups build capability and move to the next stage of growth.  


LaunchVic will grant $50,000 (ex GST) per startup of which $48,500 (ex GST) will be a cash grant (equity free and non-dilutive) and $1,500 (ex GST) will support the cost of a professional startup mentor which will allow LaunchVic to gain greater visibility on how LaunchVic and Agriculture Victoria can help support your startup better. Each grant will run for six months, and applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Funding will be provided to eligible startups to help cover Business Capability and Growth Costs (see Definitions below) and work with pre-qualified business mentors to support business growth. Mentors will be experts in their field.

Startups will also be able to access connections and networks through LaunchVic and Agriculture Victoria.

It is expected that successful startups will have the capability to engage with the agriculture sector, including in regional locations.

Applications close when all funds are fully allocated, or by June 30, 2025.



Applicants must satisfy the following eligibility criterion:

  • Meet LaunchVic’s definition of an AgTech Startup
    The startup must meet the definitions for AgTech and Startup as defined in the guidelines.
  • Be a registered Business
    A registered business is defined as: 
    • having an Australian Business Number (ABN) 
    • if required, being registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST)
    • being one of the following entities: 
      • an entity incorporated in Australia 
      • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust
      • an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006(Cth)
      • a partnership
      • a sole trader.
  • Based in Victoria
    Applicants must have at least 50% of its assets and employees located in Victoria. The founder should be a person that has a primary residence in Victoria.
  • Stage
    Meet LaunchVic’s definition of an Idea-to-Early-Stage startup 
  • Funds Raised to Date
    If a startup has raised more than $500,000 (ex GST) (including funding received from grants), it will not be eligible to receive funding under this grant round.
  • Adhere to Victorian Government Policy on ESG Prohibited Activities
    The startup must not be involved with: 
    • tobacco or tobacco-related products; 
    • Cluster munitions and other controversial weapons; 
    • Thermal coal; 
    • Gambling; 
    • Logging of old growth forests;
    • Uranium; 
    • Unregulated animal testing; 
    • Live cattle and/or sheep exports; or 
    • Fracking.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.