Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program (rPPP) - Stream One: Precinct Development and Planning
Funding Providers
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Australia WideFunding Type
Cash grant G13362
Primary Category
Community developmentEligible to
- Universities
- State/Territory Governments
- Local Governments
- Not-for-Profits
Amount : $500,000 to $5,000,000Total pool: $80,000,000
The rPPP Precinct development and planning offers grants up to $5 million to develop a precinct idea through to investment-ready stage in partnership with local stakeholders to benefit regional communities.
The program will run over 3 years from 2023-24 to 2025-26. It will focus on a partnership approach, bringing together governments and communities to plan and deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision in how the precinct connects to the region. Partners can be from government, First Nations groups, community organisations, regional universities or private enterprise.
Regional precincts or ‘places with a purpose’ are user-defined geographic areas with a specific shared need or theme. Regional precincts may include business districts, neighbourhoods, activity centres, commercial hubs or community and recreational areas. They will be located in renewal areas and growth areas in regional centres, regional corridors, regional cities, as well as smaller town centres that serve as service hubs in more remote communities.
There are two streams of the regional Precincts and Partnerships Program which are delivered as two separate grant opportunities:
- Stream one - Precinct development and planning: to activate partnerships and to deliver an investment- ready precinct plan
- Stream two - Precinct delivery: to deliver a specified project or projects as part of a precinct.
The objective of stream one is to activate partnerships to jointly deliver precinct plans.
The intended outcomes of stream one are to:
- establish partnerships comprised of relevant government entities, community organisations and businesses that have a shared vision for a regional precinct
- deliver precinct plans that are tailored to their local contexts and based on community feedback and engagement
- support precinct plans to become investment ready
- contribute to the Australian Government’s current policy priorities, including but not limited to Closing the Gap, transition to a net zero economy, Australia’s emission reduction goals, social and affordable housing, and National Cultural Policy.
What do you get?
Grants of between $500,000 and $5 million.
Who is this for?
State and Territory governments, local governments, regional universities, not-for-profit organisations, including indigenous organisations.
You can use this grant funding to cover costs incurred that are directly related to your agreed project including:
- partnership establishment and operational costs
- labour expenditure and on-costs
- contract expenditure
- travel expenditure.
You can apply if you:
- have an Australian business number (ABN) or Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Organisations (ORIC) registration
and are one of the following entity types:
- an Australian State/Territory Government agency or body
- an Australian local government agency or body
- a Regional University which may be for-profit
- an incorporated not-for-profit organisation. As a not-for-profit organisation you must demonstrate your not-for-profit status through one of the following:
- current Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission’s (ACNC) registration
- state or territory incorporated association status
- constitutional documents and/or Articles of Association that demonstrate the not-for-profit character of the organisation.
You can’t apply if you are:
- an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s list of Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme
- an employer of 100 or more employees that has not complied with the Workplace Gender Equality Act (2012)
- a for-profit organisation (unless you are a regional university)
- any organisation that is not included in section 4.1 of the Guidelines.
Your project must:
- be in regional, rural or remote location, delineated as entirely outside the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSA) - see the mapping tool on the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts website
- be aimed at delivering a precinct plan that is tailored to local contexts and based on community feedback and engagement
- be aimed at establishing partnerships comprised of relevant government entities, community organisations and businesses that have a shared vision for a regional precinct
- not have received Commonwealth funding to undertake the same activities
- have a minimum expenditure of $500,000.
Applications / Guidelines
Contact Details
- Phone: 13 28 46
- Email:
We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.