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MRFF Clinical Trials Activity Grant

Funding Providers

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)


Australia Wide

Funding Type

Cash grant G15074

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Universities
  • State/Territory Governments
  • Businesses
  • Not-for-Profits


Amount (max): $63,000,000
Total pool: $5,000,000


  • Closes 02-Apr-2025 5pm (ACT Local Time)


The MRFF, established under the Medical Research Future Fund Act 2015 (MRFF Act), provides grants of financial assistance to support health and medical research and innovation to improve the health and wellbeing of Australians.


The objective of this grant opportunity is to provide grants of financial assistance to support medical research and medical innovation projects that:

  • Stream 1 (Targeted Call for Research): conduct a pilot study to assess the feasibility of a new clinical trial for one or more treatments and/or management strategies for a rare cancer, rare disease and/or unmet need.
  • Stream 2 (Targeted Call for Research): conduct a clinical trial of one or more treatments and/or management-based interventions for rare cancers, rare diseases and/or unmet need.
  • Stream 3 (Targeted Call for Research): conduct a clinical trial that assesses the comparative effectiveness of two or more health interventions to treat a specific clinical condition, to inform the decisions of policy makers, clinicians, and consumers regarding healthcare and to minimise the use of unnecessary, ineffective, and harmful health interventions.
  • Stream 4 (Targeted Call for Research): conduct an implementation science trial to determine the best ways to implement a proven preventive health intervention, screening or diagnostic test, therapeutic agent, technology or model of care that is not in routine use in Australia



Applications will only be accepted from approved MRFF Eligible Organisations. A list of approved MRFF Eligible Organisations is available from the GrantConnect GO Documents and from the MRFF Eligible Organisations List on the NHMRC website.

Applications must satisfy all the requirements set out in the Medical Research Future Fund – Clinical Trials Activity Initiative – 2024 Clinical Trials Activity Grant Opportunity Guidelines.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.