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Documentary Producer Program

Funding Providers

Screen Australia


Australia Wide

Funding Type

Cash grant G15541

Primary Category

Arts and culture

Eligible to

  • Individuals
  • Unincorporated Groups
  • Not-for-Profits


Amount (max): $500,000
Total pool: Undisclosed


  • Opened 25-Oct-2024 Closes 13-May-2025


The Producer program aims to provide producers with the flexibility to drive projects both creatively and commercially.


The program is designed to support innovative, distinctive and engaging documentaries with a strong creative vision in the context of today’s evolving media and distribution landscape and the commercial realities of increasingly fragmented sources of finance.

What funding is available? 

Subject to the paragraph below, any amount up to $500,000 may be requested. Applications for Screen Australia funding of more than $500,000 will only be considered with prior approval from the Head of Documentary.

Generally, federal government funds should account for no more than:

  1. 35% of the budget for projects with a budget of $500,000 or less; or
  2. 65% of the budg2et (including producer offset) for projects with a budget of more than $500,000.’

Other sources of finance are encouraged and the assessment process will take into account the level of Screen Australia funding requested as a proportion of the overall budget. Contributions might come from marketplace entities, as well as from state agencies, other government organisations, cultural institutions, international sources, private investors, philanthropy or other partners.

Screen Australia may decide to provide funding at a different level than that applied for based on the assessment of the project. 

A minimum of 20 per cent of program funds will be reserved for projects with international funding in their finance plans.


Who can apply?

In order to be competitively assessed for funding through this program, applicant companies and projects must meet the general eligibility requirements under Screen Australia’s Terms of Trade, as well as the specific requirements of these guidelines.

Applicant Eligibility

To be eligible, applicants:

  • must be an incorporated association or company and carrying on business in Australia, and have its central management and control in Australia
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be registered for the purposes of GST.

Project Eligibility 

The project that is the subject of the application must:

  • be a documentary: Please refer to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) guidelines for the definition of a documentary.
  • be intended for public release
  • have a total budget of at least $125,000
  • be written and directed by Australian citizens or residents (with the exception of official Co-Productions)     

Both one-off documentaries and series are eligible.

Foreign formats are eligible but Australian original formats will be prioritised at assessment.

The program is open to applications for production and post-production.

Screen Australia expects key creatives including the producer, writer, director, director of photography and editor to be sourced from the freelance market.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.