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Targeted Building Digital Skills grants - $5,200

Closing Soon

Funding Providers

Department of Social Services (DSS)
Good Things


Australia Wide

Funding Type

Cash grant G16583

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Universities
  • Unincorporated Groups
  • Businesses
  • Not-for-Profits


Amount : $5,200 to Unknown
Total pool: Unknown


  • Opened 03-Mar-2025 Closes 28-Mar-2025 23:55 (AEDT)
  • Opens 31-Mar-2025 Closes 02-May-2025 23:55 (AEDT)

Last Round

  • Closed 28-Feb-2025


Be Connected is an Australian government initiative that aims to provide a family and community centred approach to supporting, coaching and teaching older Australians aged over 50 years to improve their skills and confidence in using digital technology.


The aim of the Building Digital Skills grants program is to enable organisations to support people aged over 50 in Australia to gain basic digital skills and confidence through free face-to-face contact, either one-on-one or in small groups, utilising the learning courses available on the Be Connected Learning site.

Note: Network Partners applying for their first Be Connected Building Digital Skills grant can only apply for a $3,000 grant in the first instance. They will be eligible for a second grant once they have met 80% of their learner registration requirement and have submitted a satisfactory financial acquittal of their grant.

The term of the grant is 12 months. There are 6 different contract sizes available to apply for. Please apply under the contract you would like to apply for. Please be honest when answering this question as it will help us with assessment and allocation. Successful applicants will be expected to meet the following requirements as part of the funding program:

Standard Contracts

Contract Size $3,000 $5,200
Number of Older Australians with a disability supported to gain digital literacy skills 30 75

Specialist Contracts

Specialist contracts are available to Network Partners who are specifically targeting very hard to reach Older Australians such as:

  1. Those in remote and outer regional areas, or
  2. Supporting older people with significant barriers to learning
Contract Size $3,000 $5,200
Number of Older Australians with a disability supported to gain digital literacy skills 15 37

The information on this page refers to the $5,200 program.


Who can apply?

Organisations who would like to apply for a Building Digital Skills grant must:

  • Be a registered Network Partner within the Be Connected Network
  • Have premises that are well frequented by people aged over 50 in Australia
  • Premises are accessible to people aged over 50 (e.g. ramps, lifts, air conditioning, heating, sufficient space, lighting, etc.) and have appropriate facilities (e.g. toilets, seating)
  • Provide an ABN number (if applying for a $5,200 grant or greater)
  • Have public liability insurance
  • Have acquitted previous grant/s awarded by Good Things Foundation

If you are not sure if you have an overdue grant acquittal, please contact Good Things Foundation to check

Applications / Guidelines

Contact Details

We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.