Animal Welfare Fund - Rehoming Pets Grants
Closing Soon
Funding Providers
The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) (VIC)
Animal Welfare Victoria
Agriculture Victoria
VICFunding Type
Cash grant G16777
Primary Category
Animal welfareEligible to
- Not-for-Profits
Amount (max): $100,000Round(s)
- Opened 25-Feb-2025 Closes 25-Mar-2025
The Individual Pet Rehoming grants offer funding support to assist organisations providing vital pet rehoming services across Victoria.
This round forms part of the Victorian Governments $5 million commitment to support pet shelters and companion animal rescue and rehoming organisations.
In round 12, eligible organisations may apply for one small grant and one large grant.
- Small grants are defined as up to $20,000 (GST Free)
- Large grants are defined as up to $100,000 (GST Free).
Projects must relate to at least one of the following types of companion animals kept as pets: cats, dogs, horses (and other equines), rabbits, caged birds, guinea pigs, ferrets, rats or mice.
Consideration will be given to applications covering the following areas:
- Upgrade or extension of current facilities to improve the welfare of companion animals.
- Improvement in the rates of reuniting companion animals to their owners and rehoming of companion animals.
- Education programs on responsible ownership of animals, including consideration of ethics, sentience and duty of care.
- Training, services, systems or equipment that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of companion animal rehoming.
- Provision of animal relief services during an emergency or crisis.
Grant funding can be awarded to not-for-profit organisations that provide:
- for the welfare of companion animals, or
- an animal shelter service, or
- education programs on responsible ownership of animals, or
- services as a community foster care network (CFCN) for companion animals, or
- animal relief services and use of facilities to the community during emergencies.
All applicants must have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
For the avoidance of doubt, to be eligible, the applicant organisation must be an incorporated body or an organisation registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
Applications / Guidelines
Contact Details
We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.