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Livestock Biosecurity Funds Grant Program

Funding Providers

Agriculture Victoria



Funding Type

Cash grant G16973

Primary Category

Agriculture, fisheries and forestry

Eligible to

  • Universities
  • State/Territory Governments
  • Local Governments
  • Businesses
  • Not-for-Profits


Amount (max): $3,000,000 (approx)
Total pool: $8,100,000 (approx)


  • Opened 07-Mar-2025 Closes 14-Apr-2025


The program aims to protect the livestock industries in Victoria, including cattle, sheep, goats, swine and honey bees. By funding these projects, the program helps ensure healthy animals, reduces disease risks and supports the industry's access to domestic and international markets.


The funds deliver outcomes for the 4 industry areas and the use of the funds is aligned to the Act's overall purpose and objectives and consistent with the rules legislated for the expenditure of the funds collected. The overall purpose of the Act is to provide for the prevention, monitoring and control of livestock diseases, and compensation for losses caused by certain livestock diseases.

The broad objectives of the Act are to:

  • protect public health by preventing, monitoring and controlling diseases transmissible from livestock to humans
  • protect domestic and export markets for livestock and livestock products by preventing, monitoring and controlling livestock diseases
  • provide for the preventing, monitoring and eradication of exotic livestock diseases provide compensation for certain losses caused by livestock diseases
  • facilitate the operation of livestock identification and tracking programs for disease and residue control and market access.


Eligible applicants wishing to apply for the Livestock Biosecurity Funds funding can do so online from Friday 7 March 2025 until 11.59pm on Monday 14 April 2025.

These links will open up a secure online application form:


The following organisations and individuals can apply for funding:

  • private sector businesses and agencies
  • universities and research institutions 
  • cooperatives where the objectives of the cooperative align with the Livestock Biosecurity Funds grant program
  • Victorian Government department or entity
  • local government authorities
  • incorporated associations.

In addition, to be eligible for funding applicants must:

  • hold a valid Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be an incorporated body, cooperative or association (including business associations)
  • be financially solvent
  • conduct the proposed activities in Victoria meet all industrial relations obligations as an employer in accordance with the National Employment Standards
  • agree to participate in future program evaluation activity and public communication on the project.

We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.