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Building Fund for Non-Government Schools - Islamic schools

Funding Providers

Department of Education (VIC)



Funding Type

Cash grant G17002

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Schools


Amount (max): $6,000,000
Total pool: $450,000,000


  • Closes 01-Jun-2025


The Victorian Government committed $450 million in the 2023-24 State Budget to build and upgrade low-fee Catholic and independent schools across the state. The Building Fund for Non-Government Schools will allocate $30 million for Islamic schools.


Applications for the Islamic stream of the fund are open until the $30 million allocation is exhausted.

Non-government schools are an important part of Victoria's education system, with over one-third of Victorian students studying at Catholic or independent schools.

The Government has committed $450 million to help build and upgrade low-fee catholic and independent schools across the state. This funding will be allocated over 4 grant rounds and the Islamic stream, across four years (2023-24 to 2026-27) for independent schools.

Schools are not required to match the government's contribution dollar-for-dollar. However, the sector is to ensure a collective co-contribution of at least 20 per cent of the overall fund value, over the life of the Program.

2.1.1. building new schools or new campuses in areas of Victoria experiencing significant enrolment demand from $50,000 to $6 million
2.1.2. expanding capacity at existing schools in areas of Victoria experiencing significant enrolment demand from $50,000 to $3.6 million
2.1.3. upgrading facilities in existing schools according to need (including the replacement of existing relocatable classrooms) from $50,000 to $2.4 million
2.1.4. planned removal of asbestos and/or cladding up to $2.4 million*

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.