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Alice Anderson Fund

Funding Providers




Funding Type

Impact Investment U00122

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Individuals
  • Businesses
  • Not-for-Profits


Amount : $50,000 (approx) to $300,000 (approx)
Total pool: $10,000,000




The Alice Anderson Fund is a $10 million angel sidecar fund that co-invests in women-led startups with private sector investors.


LaunchVic will co-invest between $50,000 - $300,000 to be matched 3:1 by the investor.

Named in honour of one of Victoria’s great women entrepreneurs, the Alice Anderson Fund will support up to 60 women-led startups over the next three years and unlock up to $40 million in early-stage capital.

The fund co-invests between $50,000 and $300,000 in early-stage deals put forward by investors to increase the funding pool available to Victorian women.

Their investment is structured so that only 85c in the dollar is taken as equity; the rest is provided as a non-dilutive grant to the startup. This gives our women-led startups an extra upside.

How can I access the fund as a Founder?

Investors apply on a founder's behalf for this opportunity, so we recommend engaging with an angel network or VC firm to access the fund. You can find a full list of investors over at


The following Investor applicants are eligible to apply to The Alice Anderson Fund: •

  • An individual Angel investor
  • An Angel Network
  • ESVLCP (Early-Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnerships)
  • Managed Investment Scheme
  • A Family Office
  • Interstate and international Individual Angels Investors, Angel Networks, Family Offices, or EarlyStage VC Funds are permitted to apply.

The Investee Company must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

  • It must be Woman-led.
  • It must be a Startup.
  • It must be Victorian-based.
  • It must NOT be involved in the following activites;
    • Tobacco or tobacco-related products;
    • Cluster munitions and other controversial weapons;
    • Thermal coal;
    • Gambling;
    • Logging of old growth forests;
    • Uranium;
    • Unregulated animal testing;
    • Live cattle and/or sheep exports; or
    • Fracking.

The following applicants are ineligible to apply: 

  • Applications from Startups seeking investment.
  • Applications from investors into small or medium enterprises (as opposed to startups); and
  • Applications from investors into later-stage startups or scaleups.

And, finally, your startup must have at least 50% of its assets and employees located in Victoria and meet LaunchVic's definition of a startup. 

LaunchVic will invest between $50,000 - $300,000 in conjunction with private sector investors. As part of this, LaunchVic will take an 85 per cent contribution as equity, while the remaining 15 per cent will go to you as a non-dilutive grant.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.