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Small Environment Grants

Funding Providers

Wettenhall Environment Trust


Australia Wide

Funding Type

Cash grant G00579

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Unincorporated Groups
  • Not-for-Profits
  • Universities
  • Individuals


Amount : $1,000 to $10,000
Total pool: Undisclosed


  • Opened 09-Sep-2024

Last Round

  • Closed 25-Jun-2024


Providing support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban. The Trust support grassroots organisations and individuals, and academics who are working with on-ground community groups.


The Trust are looking for projects around about flora and fauna conservation around Australia.

These projects should involve any of the following:

  • monitoring, recording and sharing data
  • delivering community education
  • providing community capacity building (e.g. training)
  • research and science

Grants are usually under $10,000. Wettenhall also grants on behalf of donors, and sometimes these programs can be over $10,000. If you have a project over $10,000, check with the Executive Director. Universities and academics can only apply for up to $5,000.

Please note: There are opening dates, but no closing dates, and this is how it works:

  • The Expression of Interest (EOI) application form appears on the website on the opening date
  • Submit your EOI as close to the opening date as possible
  • If your EOI is accepted, you’ll be supplied with login details and closing date for submitting your full application.
  • The grant round will be closed to Expressions of Interest when there are enough suitable applications received. Therefore the period of time that a round is open for will vary.

Here are dates when the rounds open and the application form appears online:

  • 1st December for funding in Feb 2024
  • 18th March 2024 for funding in May 2024
  • 17th June 2024 for funding in August 2024
  • 9th September 2024 for funding in November 2024
  • 9th December 2024 for funding in January 2025


Can you apply?

  1. Is your project about Australian flora and fauna conservation?
  2. Do you have partners to work with? Who will you share your work with?
  3. Is your project ready to go, and can you do it? Be sure before you apply (have your permits in place).
  4. Grants are usually under $10,000, but can be up to $15,000. Larger grants will be considered. Don’t make your budget add up to $15,000, or put 15% admin or project management fee in your budget. We are nothing like a government agency, and we will reject this budget line. We want to hear and see exactly what you need whether it be insurance, wages, equipment etc.
  5. We are only a small organisation so have to be very focused about what we fund – we don’t want to go into a big bucket with a bunch of other funders. Make sure we are a “good fit” together.
  6. Universities – you can apply for up to $5,000. But we don’t fund pure research, you must be partnering with an ‘on ground’ group and be able to show it. Please also note that we want all the grant to be used by the applicant, and no administration charge will be paid to the university.
  7. All grant recipients must fill in a final report on-line after 12 months. The signed grant conditions letter is your written agreement to this. Please don’t apply unless you are willing to do this report and supply photos for our use. If you don’t report, you are in breach of these grant conditions.
  8. If you’re not sure whether to apply, email the Executive Director who is more than happy to give advice before you make an effort to fill in the form. 

What is not funded

  • Art projects (even if it has an environmental theme)
  • School projects
  • Businesses or start ups
  • Environmental consultancies
  • Advocacy
  • Tree planting, fencing or pest plant or animal control
  • Private property owners or farm projects
  • Workshops alone, any workshops need to be a part of a larger project with an ‘action’ component
  • Animal or wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organisations and their activities
  • Invasive monitoring
  • Gardens – bush food gardens, sensory gardens, vegie gardens, permaculture, chicken houses, water tanks, arboretums etc 
  • Pure academic research – academic applicants need to show how their research is directly linked to a community group doing conservation work. Research needs to be of benefit to those groups working on habitat or species conservation.

Contact Details

Elizabeth (Beth) Mellick

We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.