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Quarterly Grants - Small, Social Enterprise, Sport & Recreation

Funding Providers

City of Parramatta


Parramatta, Cumberland

Funding Type

Cash grant G07677

Primary Category

Community development

Eligible to

  • Businesses
  • Unincorporated Groups
  • Not-for-Profits
  • Individuals


Amount (max): $2,000
Total pool: Undisclosed


  • Closes 07-Feb-2025
  • Closes 02-May-2025

Last Round

  • Closed 01-Nov-2024


The grants program aims to support local not-for-profit community, recreation and sporting groups, clubs, organisations, services, social enterprises, and in some cases, individuals.


Applications are open all year round with the closing dates for the Quarterly Grants categories will be on the following dates:

  • 2 August 2024, Friday
  • 1 November 2024, Friday
  • 7 February 2025, Friday
  • 2 May 2025, Friday

Small Grants Fund - Approximately $40,000 per financial year is available for the Small Grants Fund. There is a funding cap for each application of $2,000.

This category is designed to assist voluntary and staffed not-for-profit incorporated organisations with the following:

  • Project development and implementation;
  • Capital purchase directly related to a discreet and defined activity or project;
  • Building the internal capacity of the organisation;
  • Resource development

The funding has to be linked to a discreet and defined activity or project.


Social Enterprise Business Planning Grant - Approximately $40,000 per financial year is shared with the Small Grants Fund. There is a funding cap for each application of $2,000.

This category has two purposes:

  1. Assist existing local social enterprises to engage professional services that can assist with the ongoing operation and sustainability of the business (such as marketing, web design, and book - keeping).
  2. Provide funding for existing organisations or groups of individuals who are at the concept development stage of a social enterprise project and need assistance in the research, development and writing of a social enterprise business plan. 

Project funds for business plans can be used to engage the services of a business planning consultant, or to fund the research activities and staff time associated in writing a business plan.


Sport & Recreation Grant - Approximately $30,000 per financial year is available for the Sport & Recreation Grant. There is a funding cap for each application of $2,000. 

Increase participation in local sport and recreation activities, particularly in regards to the inclusion of:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders; disengaged young people;
  • Newly arrived migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants;
  • People experiencing homelessness; people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds;
  • People living with disabilities;
  • People of diverse genders and/or sexually (LGBTI);
  • People over 55 years of age, particularly those living alone;
  • Women and girls.

Address barriers to participation in sport and recreation.

Increase the capacity of local clubs by improving the knowledge and skills capacity of their volunteers.




  • Be not-for-profit and incorporated or have evidence of auspice from a not-for-profit incorporated organisation;
  • Be located within the Parramatta LGA, or principally service Parramatta residents;
  • Not have overdue progress or acquittal reports for previously funded grants.

Applications must be from an incorporated body or have incorporated body providing auspice until the new entity can be set up independently or from an eligible social enterprise structure.

Social Enterprises Business Planning eligibility

Applications must be from an incorporated body or have incorporated body providing auspice until the new entity can be set up independently or from an eligible social enterprise structure.

Social Enterprises as defined in City of Parramatta's Grants and Donations Policy are defined as having the following characteristics:

  • Social, environmental, cultural mission / objectives core to purpose and focus; Limited distributions of profits - the majority of profits are reinvested in the enterprise and/or an associated social entity;
  • Limited distribution of profits - the majority of profits are reinvested in the enterprise and/or an associated social entity;
  • Generation of a social return in addition to a financial return, and commitment to demonstrating this;
  • Can have a mixture of capital inputs - the enterprise is supported through a mixture of grant income/subsidised income and trading income, but must trade;
  • Favour democratic decision-making structures and seek high levels of accountability to their stakeholders, rather than just to shareholders.

Commercial business applications, including for small or micro-businesses, are not eligible for funding under this category.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.