Major Event and Festivals Sponsorships
Funding Providers
City of Perth
PerthFunding Type
Cash grant G08045
Primary Category
Community developmentEligible to
- Businesses
- Not-for-Profits
- Individuals
- Unincorporated Groups
Amount : UndisclosedTotal pool: Undisclosed
The City of Perth supports events which enhance Perth’s reputation as an event friendly destination with a unique cultural identity. Major Events and Festivals Sponsorship is available for organisations delivering large-scale events of national and international significance.
Through the Major Events and Festivals sponsorship program, the City supports events which enhance Perth’s reputation as an event friendly destination with a unique cultural identity. Sponsorship is available for organisations delivering large-scale events of national and international significance.
A major event or festival will generate significant return on investment, economic impact and visitation outcomes, benchmarked against initiatives that have been previously supported under the program. Events will also provide significant sponsorship benefits in recognition of the City’s support.
Funding levels
Funding will be provided based on the scale, impact and significance of the event.
The maximum contribution of sponsorship provided by the City of Perth cannot exceed 30% of the total event or project budget.
How to Apply
You are required to discuss your application with a City Sponsorship Officer prior to submission to ensure you are applying in the most suitable program.
A link to the application form will be provided once it is determined that Major Events and Festivals is the most suitable program.
Examples of projects supported
- Large-scale arts and culture festivals.
- Large-scale sporting and mass participation events.
- Large-scale international and national championships.
To be eligible to receive Event Sponsorship funding from the City, the applicant must:
- be a legally constituted entity or individual with an Australian Business Number (ABN) or be under the auspice of an Australian legal entity;
- have appropriate insurances and licences where required, as outlined under the City’s Activity Approvals or other relevant policies and procedures.
- have submitted the application prior to the project commencement date with sufficient time to enable consideration by the City and Council;
- offer a project or initiative within the City’s local government area; and
- demonstrate financial viability without the City’s funding (an individual event or project may not be viable without the City’s support, however the organisation must be).
The City will not consider applications from:
- the Commonwealth or State Government Departments;
- a political party;
- an applicant that supports, promotes or facilitates violence, intolerance or discrimination;
- an employee or elected members of the City, or their immediate family;
- an applicant that has outstanding debts to the City; an applicant who is in legal conflict with the City;
- an applicant that has failed to provide satisfactory acquittal reporting for any previous City funding;
- an applicant that has already received City funding (including in-kind) for the same project within the same financial year; or
- an applicant that has already applied for City funding (including in-kind) for the same project within the same financial year and been refused; and
- an applicant that conducts themselves in a way considered to be injurious or prejudicial to the character or interests of the City.
The City will not consider applications for the following projects or project expenses:
- projects where the primary purpose is political;
- projects that denigrate or exclude parts of the community or have an adverse effect on public health, safety, the environment or heritage;
- projects that request reimbursement of funds already spent;
- projects that are for debt reduction or operational deficits; and
- project legal expenses.
Applications / Guidelines
Contact Details
- Phone: 08 9461 3333
- Email:
We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.