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Protection of the Environment Trust (POET) Grants

Funding Providers

Central Coast Council


Central Coast

Funding Type

Cash grant G08707

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Universities
  • Not-for-Profits
  • Individuals
  • Unincorporated Groups


Amount (max):
Total pool: $60,000


  • Opened 01-Jun-2024 Closes 31-May-2025

Last Round

  • Closed 31-May-2024


The Protection of the Environment Trust is able to provide small amounts of financial support to individuals, groups and organisations in the community that are able to deliver projects and works that contribute to the stated purpose of the Trust.


The Protection of the Environment Trust (the trust) was established in 2006 with a twofold purpose:

  • To promote the protection and enhancement of the natural environment or of a significant aspect of the natural environment and in particular the conservation of flora and fauna indigenous to the Local Government area; and
  • For the provision of information or education or the carrying on of research about the natural environment or a significant aspect of the natural environment in particular relating to flora and fauna of the area for the benefit of persons within the Local Government area.

The Protection of the Environment Trust may elect to preferentially fund projects that are consistent with a particular topic or theme within the Trust’s stated purpose. The Trust may, for example, choose to fund different organisations to deliver complementary projects about a significant native species. The grants program is open to community groups and organisations, incorporated associations, not-for-profit organisations, noncommercial cooperatives, education organisations and research organisations.

Available Funding

The annual funding available for the Protection of the Environment Trust is in the order of $60,000 however this amount may vary between years. The Trust will aim to fund multiple projects each year with available funds. Funding requests by eligible applicants should therefore be scaled accordingly.

Expected Program Outcomes

The expected outcomes of grants funded by the Protection of the Environment Trust are to be consistent with the intentions of the Protection of the Environment Trust and to benefit the geographic area formerly identified as Gosford Local Government area. These outcomes should either or both of the following objectives:

  1. Promotion of the protection or conservation of the natural environment, an aspect of it, or flora and fauna indigenous to the area.
  2. Provision of information and education or carrying out of research about the natural environment, an aspect of it, or flora and fauna indigenous to the area.

Types of Activities/Projects Supported

  1. On-ground projects that are consistent with the purpose of the Trust
  2. Information, education programs and/or activities that are consisted with the purpose of the Trust. 
  3. Research that is consistent with the purpose of the Trust



  • Applicants must be a legally constituted not-for-profit organisation or be auspiced by a legally constituted not-for-profit organisation.
  • The applicant must be able to demonstrate capability to obtain all regulatory approvals for the event/project/activity, if relevant, before receiving funding.
  • All applicants must meet the grant program eligibility criteria and address one or more program outcome(s).

The following are ineligible:

  • Applications that are not consistent with the purpose of the Trust. 
  • Incomplete applications.
  • Applicants who have overdue acquittals from previous funding from the Protection of the Environment Trust.
  • Applications for purchases or expenses related to privately owned items.
  • Applications seeking funds for projects which may have an adverse impact on neighbouring residents or businesses.
  • Applications where the consent of the land owner(s) is not provided in writing.
  • Applications seeking funds for salaries, accommodation or travel costs that are not directly related to the project activities.
  • Applications seeking funds for projects of a commercial nature that is for profit or that raise funds for philanthropic purposes for other organisations.
  • Applications seeking funds for goods or services to ‘on-sell’ for a commercial benefit and without prior approval of the Trust.
  • Applicants who have an outstanding debt to Council or are seeking funds for debt repayment.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.