Venue Hire Grants
Funding Providers
Georges River Council
Georges RiverFunding Type
Subsidised goods and services G08773
Primary Category
Community developmentEligible to
- Not-for-Profits
- Unincorporated Groups
Amount (max): $40,000Total pool: Undisclosed
- Opened 22-Apr-2024 Closes 17-May-2025
Last Round
- Closed 05-May-2023
Venue Hire Grants provide full or partial subsidy of Council venue hire for community organisations. Grants are provided as in-kind support for the cost of venue hire.
Before applying, please contact Council's Grants Officer to discuss your project
- (02) 9330 6050
To be eligible for Venue Hire Grants the following criteria must be met:
- Demonstrated benefit to the Georges River community.
- Demonstrated capacity to deliver.
- Be open to the general public, inclusive and not discriminatory.
- Have submitted required acquittals from previously awarded grants.
- Commence the project after the grant funding commencement date. Grant requests cannot be retrospective, recurrent or ongoing.
- Registered not-for-profit or unincorporated community group.
- An event sheet/booking confirmation from Council is required.
- Not exceeding the annual cap of $40,000 venue hire per organisation
The following are not eligible for Venue Hire Grants:
- Projects that duplicate existing services.
- Fundraising, sponsorship or projects seeking prize money or gifts for attendees.
- Unlawful, unethical or profit-making purposes, or towards any political purposes.
- Activities for religious purposes unless the applicant can demonstrate broader community benefit.
- Entities or individuals contributing to the infringement of human rights, including not complying with Modern Slavery Legislation.
- Projects or events that primarily benefits a single individual or private function.
- Submissions from schools or Government agencies.
- Grants are for venue hire only and will not cover additional costs.
- Exclusive use of a Council facility.
- Seasonal park bookings for sporting associations or clubs.
- Venue bonds, equipment hire, staffing, catering or technical costs.
- Hire of premium facilities.
Applications / Guidelines
Contact Details
- Phone: (02) 9330 6050
- Email:
We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.