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Quick Response Grants

Funding Providers

City of Burnside



Funding Type

Cash grant G09410

Primary Category

Community development

Eligible to

  • Universities
  • TAFEs
  • Not-for-Profits
  • Schools
  • Unincorporated Groups


Amount (max): $500
Total pool: Undisclosed




Quick Response Grants are available for time-limited and project-based activities which align with the categories of Quick Response Grants and are undertaken within a 12 month period.


The Quick Response Grants are intended to be a fast approval form of the Community Grants.

Grants open on the first day of every quarter (January, April, July and October).  Grants will be closed once quarterly allocation funds has been exhausted.


Individuals can apply for a maximum:

  • $150 for state events/competitions
  • $300 for interstate events/competitions
  • $500 for international events/competitions

Community groups can apply for a maximum of $500 for a project/event/activity. 

Categories of Quick Response Grants

Positive Ageing

Grants are provided for community-based social and recreational events and activities that celebrate the achievements and contributions made by people of all ages, cultures and abilities to promote positive ageing.


Grants are provided to specifically support youth in fields of educational experiences, cultural awareness, leadership development and entrepreneurial spirit that provides development for the individual and benefit to the community. Youth Quick Response Grants are for individuals under the age of 25 years. This grant cannot be used for school or tertiary study costs.


Grants are provided for community garden projects, environmental awareness and education, sustainable living projects, activities and programs such as habitat creation, waste minimisation, revegetation, composting, and food security.


Grants are provided for local residents who have achieved excellence in sports and require financial assistance to represent South Australia or Australia in national and international competitions, tournaments and events.

Small equipment purchase

Contributing to the purchase of equipment to support an organisation’s activities, innovative community recreation and physical activity programs and increasing the ability for a group to deliver a service or program to the wider community.


To be eligible you must be:

  • not-for-profit organisation, community groups, or similar comparable status
  • a resident and/or ratepayer of the City of Burnside

Contact Details

We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.