Community Development Grant
Funding Providers
Town of Cambridge
CambridgeFunding Type
Cash grant G10804
Primary Category
Community developmentEligible to
- Unincorporated Groups
- Not-for-Profits
Amount : $250 to $2,000Round(s)
The purpose of this grant is to support community events and programs that enhance social capital and encourage participation in local community life.
Three levels of funding are available:
- Category 1. Large events or projects (attracting 500+ community members) - funding up to $2,000
- Category 2. Medium size events (attracting 100-499 community members) - funding up to $1,000
- Category 3. Small community or club events and programs (attracting up to 99 community members) - funding up to $250
Eligible Projects:
- Events or projects must not have commenced prior to application approval.
- Events or projects must be provided to the community free of charge or low cost (expenses recovery only).
- Events must have an acknowledgement of country performed at the commencement of supported events.
- Events or projects that assist in improving the knowledge, skills and/or experience of its members and volunteers.
- Events or projects that are developed by local schools, however engage the broader community.
- Events or projects that demonstrate enhanced club or organisational sustainability.
- Events or projects that are inclusive and assist in reducing barriers to participation in community life
Examples of past eligible projects:
- Community festivals and concerts;
- Art and cultural events;
- Season events - community open day;
- Training/ education resources for volunteers to be able to perform their role eg coaching courses;
- Events or programs that benefit particular target groups –seniors, youth, people with disability;
Eligible Applicants:
- Applicants must be legally constituted, incorporated bodies and not-for-profit community organisations or;
- Be a not for profit organisation who is auspiced by an incorporated and legally constituted body.
- Applicants must be a local community organization (located within the Town's boundaries) and provide support and/or services to residents of the Town.
- Projects must be located within the Town and accessible to all residents.
- Applicants must ensure that the project is linked to the Town of Cambridge Strategic Community Plan goals and is of benefit to Town residents.
- Applicants must provide evidence of community need for the project and demonstrate a considered solution to meeting those needs.
- Applicants must have satisfactorily acquitted any previous funding received from the Town.
- The organisation can only receive funding through the Community Development Grant once per financial year.
- Level 1 applicants (large events of 500+ community members) must demonstrate success in previous projects and hold a minimum of $10 Million Public Liability Insurance
Ineligible Applicants:
- Government bodies or their subsidiary organisations.
- Commercial entities.
- Individuals.
Ineligible Projects:
- Ongoing expenditure in the form of operating, administrative or capital equipment costs.
- Salaries or staff wages (unless it is for the engagement of a specialist which is integral to the project).
- Projects where costs are fully reimbursed by another body.
- Travel costs or any costs associated with local, national or interstate representation of any programs, projects and services considered the responsibility of other government departments, individuals and private-for-profit groups
- Invitation only events or events limited to a closed membership.
- Activities that will take place outside of the Town of Cambridge boundary.
- Projects or programs where the primary activity involves, alcohol, drug or tobacco use.
- High risk events / activities or activities that damage or harm the environment.
Applications / Guidelines
Contact Details
- Phone: 9347 6000
- Email:
We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.