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Small Project Grants - Climate Action and Environment

Funding Providers

City of Yarra



Funding Type

Cash grant G12578

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Businesses
  • Universities
  • Unincorporated Groups
  • Schools
  • TAFEs
  • Not-for-Profits
  • Individuals


Amount (max): $2,000
Total pool: $80,000


  • Opened 01-Aug-2024 Closes 01-May-2025

Last Round

  • Closed 31-May-2024


The Climate Action and Environment Stream seeks to support initiatives that accelerate community-led climate action at a local level.


This stream places a priority on funding projects that mobilise the community to take climate action, including advocating for change, support the most vulnerable in our community to cope with climate impacts (e.g., extreme weather, energy and food insecurity). Build stronger social connections to increase resilience to future climate-related shocks and stresses, reduce waste and promote conscious consumption; and foster sustainable transport behaviours in the community.

The maximum grant is $2,000.


Eligible Applicants

  • Applicants must have an active ABN*.
    • Not-for-profit community groups that meet all other eligibility criteria but do not have an ABN can have their applications auspiced by an eligible incorporated organisation or Neighbourhood House.
  • Applicants must be a not-for-profit, incorporated community group (that is a group with a voluntary membership who come together to pursue a common goal)† OR meet one of the following specific exceptions:
    • be a registered charity, public benevolent institution or have DGR status;
    • be a state government entity seeking funding for activities beyond those considered the responsibility of State or Federal Government;
    • unincorporated not-for-profit community groups can have their applications auspiced by an eligible incorporated organisation or Neighbourhood House;
    • individual artists or Arts-related businesses operating under an active sole-trader ABN* can apply as individuals under the Arts and Cultural Projects Category;
    • Arts-related businesses with active ABNs* registered as other than sole-trader entities can apply under the Arts and Cultural Projects Category. These applications are contingent on successfully demonstrating that the project being funded will run on a notfor-profit basis. This will require detailed financial reporting.
  • Applicants can only receive one SPG per financial year and the maximum grant is $2,000.
  • Applicants must have acquitted previous Council grants and have no outstanding debts to Yarra City Council.
  • Applicants must have public liability insurance with a suitable level of coverage, working with children checks, WorkCover and superannuation coverage are required to be held by recipients of funding.
  • Relevant applicants must, as required by law, implement and adhere to the Victorian Child Safe Standards.

Applicants that are not eligible

  • Neighbourhood Houses are funded through Council’s Neighbourhood House Funding Program and are therefore not eligible for SPGs. However, Neighbourhood Houses can act as an auspice for other community groups. 
  • Businesses or for-profit organisations, unless exempted above. 
  • Individuals, unless exempted above. 
  • Previous grant recipients with overdue acquittals. 
  • Applicants who have already received an SPG in the current round.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.