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Electric vehicle fast charging grants

Funding Providers

Office of Energy and Climate Change (NSW)



Funding Type

Cash grant G12688

Primary Category

Science and technology

Eligible to

  • Businesses


Amount (max): $30,000,000
Total pool: $54,000,000


  • Opened 27-Jun-2024 Closes 03-Oct-2024

Last Round

  • Closed 10-Mar-2023


The EV fast charging grants program will add approximately 280 fast and ultra-fast charging stations across NSW. This will ensure that fast charging stations are no more than 5 km apart in metropolitan areas and no more than 100 km apart on major roads and highways across NSW.


$54 million of co-funding is available for new charging stations across 140 zones. The funding is split across four distinct funding streams with different funding caps and requirements. These streams are standard metropolitan, fast track, standard regional and remote regional.  

All charging stations funded under round 3 will be constructed over an 18-24 month time period.



Applicants must: 

  • have and provide the ABN of their organisation and any other partner organisations
  • have relevant insurances (public liability, workers compensation, etc) 
  • be one of the following: 
    • an entity incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001(Cth) 
    • a state-owned corporation or subsidiary of an Australian state or territory owned corporation; or 
    • a local government or council in NSW. 
  • provide a project funding strategy, including an accountant declaration, that confirms the applicant’s ability to fund its share of the project costs. The accountant declaration must be in the form stipulated in Appendix 6 
    • As a minimum requirement, standard stream charging stations across a bid must be 50% privately funded (on average) by the applicant or their partners (other financiers, organisations or local governments) and 
    • As a minimum requirement, fast track stream charging stations across a bid must be 30% privately funded (on average) by the applicant or their partners (other financiers, organisations or local governments). 
  • agree to participate in knowledge sharing activities related to the project, as defined in the knowledge sharing plan. This plan is available for applicants review at the opening of round 2 applications.

We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.