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Clean up Community Recovery Grants - ex Tropical Cyclone Ellie

Funding Providers

Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) (WA)


Derby-West Kimberley, Halls Creek, Wyndham-East Kimberley and

Funding Type

Cash grant G13531

Primary Category

Community development

Eligible to

  • Unincorporated Groups
  • Not-for-Profits


Amount (max): $75,000
Total pool: Undisclosed


  • Opened 30-Aug-2023 Closes 30-Apr-2025


The Community Recovery Grants Program supports the well-being, psychosocial recovery and resilience of communities impacted by the flooding associated with ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie.


Clean-up grants up to $75,000 are available to reimburse costs incurred in cleaning-up and undertaking essential repairs to premises leased or owned by a not-for-profit organisation.


Eligible costs associated with these activities include, but are not limited to:

  • hiring or leasing equipment and materials to undertake clean-up of premise and equipment
  • purchasing equipment and materials to undertake clean-up of premise and equipment where:
    • the equipment or materials are not ordinarily available for lease or hire (eg cleaning chemicals, gloves, buckets, brooms, mops, shovels, or buckets); or
    • the equipment/materials are reasonably necessary for cleaning the premise or equipment, and are not readily available for lease or hire.
  • carting away debris, damaged goods and materials, including cost of disposal
  • payment for trades people to conduct safety inspections of damage to a premise or equipment
  • repairing a building or repairing or replacing fittings in a building, if the repair or replacement is essential for resuming operations of the organisation (for example floor covering, electrical rewiring, shelving)
  • costs associated with the restoration, conservation, or preservation of items of significant importance to the community
  • purchase or hire/lease costs for equipment or material essential to the immediate resumption of operations of the organisation
  • employing a person to clean a premise or equipment if:
    • the cost would not ordinarily have been incurred in the absence of the disaster; or
    • the cost exceeds the cost of employing a person to clean the premises or equipment that would ordinarily have been incurred in the absence of the disaster (in this instance, only the excess costs are eligible).
  • leasing of temporary premises for the purpose of resuming operations of the organisation
  • replacement of lost or damaged stock, which is essential to the immediate resumption of operations
  • costs associated with insurance excess and insurance claim shortfall that are directly related to the eligible disaster.


Who can apply?

Organisations that meet the eligibility criteria, and are propose to clean-up or undertake essential repairs to premises leased or owned in one of the 4 local government areas impacted by the flood include:

  • Shire of Broome
  • Shire of Derby-West Kimberley
  • Shire of Halls Creek
  • Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley.
  • Not-for-profit organisations incorporated either under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA) or Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) with an Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • Indigenous organisations registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) that:
    • relies on grant funding or donations for the majority of income
    • has an active Australian Business Number (ABN) and that ABN was active prior to and during the disaster
    • suffered direct damage as a result of flooding associated with ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie to the organisation’s premise and/or plant and equipment
    • was conducting operations and/or services (at least sometime on a regular basis) in the disaster area prior to and at the time of the event
    • has, or intends to, re-establish operations/services in the disaster area.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.