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Illegal Dumping Prevention Grants Program Stream 4

Funding Providers

NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA)



Funding Type

Cash grant G13937

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Local Governments


Amount (max): $200,000
Total pool: $600,000


  • EOI closed 30-Aug-2024 5pm
    Applications Closes 16-Oct-2024 5pm

Last Round

  • Closed 05-Apr-2024
Please note: this grant program requires an EOI application process.


The EPA’s Illegal Dumping Prevention Program goal is for natural environments and streetscapes in NSW to be free of dumped waste. The grants under this program aim to reduce illegal dumping through implementing prevention measures.


The Illegal Dumping Prevention Program Grants provide funding opportunities to councils and public land managers for projects to prevent illegal dumping, establish illegal dumping baseline data or develop a business case for illegal dumping prevention.

A total pool of $1,400,000 is available for illegal dumping initiatives across four 4 streams which last up to two 2 years. The information on this page refers to Stream 4.

Stream 4: Collaborative illegal dumping prevention grants (up to $200,000 for a multi-entity project, delivery period up to 2 years) from a total pool of $600,000.

The overall objectives of the Illegal Dumping Prevention Strategy 2022–2027 are to minimise:

  • kerbside illegal dumping activities
  • public land and bushland illegal dumping activities
  • illegal landfilling / organised crime activities

Application process

A brief Expression of Interest (EOI) must be submitted using the SmartyGrants platform. We will contact you after you have submitted your EOI and will arrange a meeting during the period 2 September to 3 October 2024. In this meeting, you can discuss your proposal and ask questions about the grants. After the meeting, you will be invited to complete a full application.

Initial EOI is due by 30 August 2024, and the full application is due by 16 October 2024.



Before applying, please ensure you meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Applicants must be located in NSW and be one of the following:
    • a local council 
    • a grouping of councils such as a Joint Organisation or Regional Organisation of Councils, Regional Waste Group or
    • a state government public land manager. 
  • Projects must be on publicly owned land, managed by a local council or a state government public land manager.
  • Entities that are not councils or manage public can be involved as partners in projects, but funding under these grants cannot be used specifically for work on private land.

We aim to notify successful applicants within 2 months of the closing date. Successful applicants will need to send the following information before starting their project: 

  • a project plan in a format supplied by the EPA
  • a signed funding agreement
  • an invoice for the first milestone payment.



We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.