Energy Innovation Fund - Innovation Ecosystem Grant
Funding Providers
Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (ACT)
ACTFunding Type
Cash grant G14204
Primary Category
Economic developmentEligible to
- Businesses
- Universities
- Not-for-Profits
Amount : $20,000 to $500,000Total pool: $3,750,000
The purpose of the Energy Innovation Fund is to drive the development of a vibrant, sustainable, export-oriented energy transition industry in the Territory to create jobs and grow and diversify the ACT economy.
This funding stream includes two sub-categories of support:
- Innovation Clusters: we welcome proposals to facilitate collaboration and investment opportunities in developing energy innovation sub-sectors and clusters in the ACT.
- Business Accelerator: funding support for technological or product-based innovation based in the ACT to scale up to Australia and markets beyond.
Funding stream 3 (Innovation Ecosystem Grant) will remain open at all times. Focus areas for funding support will be updated on the ACT’s Everyday Climate Choices website, with a deadline each quarter for proposals to be assessed.
A total of up to $3.25 million is available to support innovation ecosystems building in the ACT over 5 years.
Organisations can apply for funding between $30,000 and $300,000 (excluding GST) per grant. The same application can only be made once each year, unless invited to resubmit by the assessment panel.
The funding scope for stream 3 is consistent with the funding scope provided at Appendix A in the guidelines.
Innovation Clusters: EPSDD is looking for proposals that can facilitate capacity building activities in the energy innovation sectors. These activities could include connecting the ACT’s innovation network through networking events, accessing investors and capital, knowledge workshops, professional conferences and roundtables in the ACT, and showcasing Canberra in international roadshows.
Business Accelerator: Funding will support improved commercialisation, and access to consumers, that can help ACTbased energy innovation to turn from prototypes into potentially commercially successful products and services.
- Innovation Clusters: Businesses, and industry building not-for-profit organisations are encouraged to apply.
- Business Accelerator: This funding is available to businesses only.
General eligibility criteria
A lead organisation seeking a grant under the Energy Innovation Fund must:
- Have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
- Hold all insurances required by law, including $10 million public liability insurance and workers compensation, or be prepared to acquire these if successful in gaining an Energy Innovation Fund grant.
- Be an ACT based organisation, OR the majority of the proposed funded activities must occur within the ACT.
- Have demonstrated satisfactorily acquitted or meeting outstanding grant milestones, reporting requirements, and obligations, including financial acquittals for previous Energy Innovation Fund funding.
- Be able to demonstrate a contribution towards the ACT’s target of net zero emissions by 2045.
- Be registered for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) if applicable (if turnover is greater than $150,000 per annum).
- Businesses that support First Nations communities and people experiencing and people experiencing vulnerability will be regarded positively. Registered Indigenous businesses are particularly encouraged to apply.
Who is not eligible to apply?
The following are not eligible to receive funding under the Energy Innovation Fund:
- Organisations who are unsuccessful in securing a grant during the same calendar year, for the same project.
- A Commonwealth, state or territory government agency.
- Universities and other research institutions are only eligible if they partner with a business, with an independent ABN, as the lead applicant. *Universities and other research institutions may not apply as the lead applicant, except under stream 2: Policy Challenge Grant.
Applicants must disclose any legal proceedings or investigation deemed relevant to the grant, including litigation, arbitration, mediation or conciliation that are taking place, pending or (to the best of the applicant’s knowledge, after having made proper enquiry) threatened against the applicant or a related body corporate (as defined in the Corporations Act).
Applicants are not eligible if:
- the Territory determines that any information provided by the applicant regarding legal proceedings or investigations materially impacts their suitability as a grant recipient
- the organisation and individual shareholders of the organisation are subject to any insolvency event.
- the applicant or organisation are named on the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade sanctions list
Applications / Guidelines
Contact Details
We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.