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Large grants

Funding Providers

City of Whittlesea



Funding Type

Cash grant G14776

Primary Category

Community development

Eligible to

  • Not-for-Profits
  • Businesses


Amount (max): $40,000
Total pool: Undisclosed




The large grants offer supports to social enterprises, not-for-profit community groups, organisations and businesses to undertake activities that have a broad community benefit.


The City of Whittlesea is offering new grants to support individuals in line with our community vision of Whittlesea 2040: A place for all goals: 

  • Connected community 
  • Liveable neighbourhoods 
  • Strong local economy 
  • Sustainable environment and 
  • High performing organisation.

Eligible applicants are encouraged to apply for grants to deliver projects and events that have a broad community benefit in line with Whittlesea 2040 vision.

All large grants have three sub-categories: 

  1. Council programs
    Council will offer programs as a result of identified need in community through community planning and feedback. Programs will be added upon identified need. The Council program on offer at this stage includes: a. Female Participation in Sports 
  2. Projects
    Community groups, social enterprises and businesses have the opportunity to apply for grants to deliver projects that meet any of the Whittlesea 2040 vision noted above. 
  3. Events and or festivals
    To celebrate our diverse community eligible applicants are encouraged to apply to run events or festivals that celebrate who you represent in the City of Whittlesea. Applications for events must ensure it meets all the festival and events requirements including:
    • traffic management strategy 
    • health and safety considerations and permits where applicable 
    • risk management strategy 
    • communications and/or media plan.

Grant amount: $40,000

Timing frequency: Quarterly.



Across all large grants, the following are eligible: 

  • be a registered not-for-profit classified by the Australian Tax Office 
  • incorporated groups 
  • social enterprise and
  • businesses
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or qualify to submit a Statement by Supplier 
  • hold current public liability insurances appropriate to the proposed project or event 
  • provide all supporting documentation to support your application 
  • provide legitimate quotes showing ABN from potential supplier for items $500 or more 
  • applicants must apply three months in advance for their proposed event to ensure it meets all requirements for the Festival and Events approval. Events applied for must be delivered in the following quarter. For example, an applicant has an event in August. The application must be submitted by end of April quarter.


To enable equitable distribution and consideration for all groups who are applying for these grants the following requirements for co-contribution is mandatory for all applicants as follows:

  1. Not-for-profits
    Any not-for-profit groups or not-for-profit organisations agreeing to auspice an application, with an annual turnover or gross income of $300,000 or more per year, must match the grant amount applied for dollar for dollar. This can be in the form of:
    1. cash contributions
    2. grants from other funding bodies
    3. in-kind support (venue, donated goods, services) 
    4. volunteer hours.
  2. Businesses
    Businesses that apply or auspice other applicants for grants must invest and match the same amount of funding they are applying for dollar for dollar. For example, if an event company agrees to auspice a not-for-profit group, then the auspice agency or business with a commercial gain must agree to match the funding amount requested by the not-for-profit group dollar for dollar.
  3. Auspice organisations
    Any organisations that agree to auspice an organisation will be required to meet the eligibility and co-contribution requirements for each of the grants in this category.

What won't be funded

In addition to the items on page six of the guidelines, the small grants include the following of what won’t be funded: 

  • Individuals
  • projects, activities or events that are political in nature 
  • gifts vouchers, gifts, prizes, trophies, scholarships, donations, other grant programs
  • projects already completed or committed to prior to submitting an application 
  • projects already underway 
  • activities or Events that do not comply with relevant government orders of the day 
  • air travel or accommodation 
  • fireworks on Council land 
  • events, activities or projects that are not open to the public or where access is restricted.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.