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Medium grants

Funding Providers

City of Whittlesea



Funding Type

Cash grant G14777

Primary Category

Community development

Eligible to

  • Not-for-Profits
  • Businesses


Amount (max): $20,000
Total pool: Undisclosed




The medium grants offer supports to social enterprises, not-for-profit community groups, organisations and businesses to undertake activities that have a broad community benefit.


All small, medium and large grants have three sub-categories:

  • Council Programs
    Council will offer programs because of identified need in community through community planning and feedback. e.g.  female Participation in Sports
  • Projects
    Community groups, social enterprises and businesses can apply for grants to deliver projects that contribute towards the Whittlesea 2040.
  • Events and or Festivals
    To celebrate our diverse community eligible applicants are encouraged to apply to run events or festivals that celebrate who you represent in the City of Whittlesea. Applications for events must ensure it meets all the Festival and Events requirements including;
    a. Traffic management strategy
    b. Health and safety considerations and permits where applicable
    c. Risk management strategy
    d. Communications and/or media plan

Grant amount: $20,000

Timing frequency: Quarterly.

  • Q1 – 1 January - 31 March
  • Q2 - 1 April - 30 June
  • Q3 - 1 July - 30 September
  • Q4 - 1 October - 31 December



Mandatory eligibility requirements:

  • are located in the City of Whittlesea or will deliver a project or event in the City of Whittlesea
  • have no outstanding debts to Council 
  • have acquitted all previous Council grants 
  • proposed projects or events align to Council 2040 vision


  • not for profit
  • incorporated groups
  • social enterprise
  • business

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.