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Landowner Biodiversity Conservation Grants

Funding Providers

City of Cockburn



Funding Type

Cash grant G15000

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Individuals


Average amount: $3,000 (approx)


  • Opened 01-Sep-2024 Closes 31-Oct-2024 11pm


The Landowner Biodiversity Conservation Grants program provides financial support to Cockburn residents living in the rural, rural living and resource zones, who wish to conserve and enhance the natural bushland and wetland areas on their property.


You can receive up to $3,000 per property. 

You can apply for a range of conservation projects on your property, including:

  • Weed control
  • Revegetation
  • Fencing to exclude stock
  • Dieback control
  • Habitat creation/water quality enhancement
  • Feral animal control.



To be eligible for a grant, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Your property must be situated in the rural, rural living or resource zones (refer to map under Documents heading below)
  • You must have remnant bushland or wetland areas on your property and any proposed works must benefit the conservation value of these areas
  • You must match the funding with financial or in-kind support (manual in-kind labour is calculated at $30/hr)
  • As an applicant, you must be the owner of the property. The City will assess applications for vacant land or land where the owner is not in residence on a case-by-case basis
  • Conservation covenanted land is not eligible. Priority will be given to landowners whose property has no lawful protection.
  • Single and groups of properties are eligible

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.