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Coast Protection Board's Community Participation Grants

Funding Providers

Department for Environment and Water (SA)



Funding Type

Cash grant G15090

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Not-for-Profits
  • Unincorporated Groups
  • Individuals
  • Local Governments


Amount (max): $10,000
Total pool: $40,000


  • Opened 02-Sep-2024 Closes 25-Oct-2024


The Coast Protection Board’s Community Participation Grants support voluntary participation in local, small-scale coastal management initiatives.


The objectives of these grants are to:

  • Involve and/or educate communities on coastal management
  • Enhance community skills and knowledge in rehabilitation, restoration and conservation of the coast and marine environment
  • Facilitate partnerships in coast and marine management
  • Encourage environmental protection in the wider community
  • Achieve practical management actions and on-ground works which enhance conservation values and/or tackle the causes of coast and marine degradation.

Please note, volunteer groups or organisations need to partner with a coastal council and have council agreement to administer the grant.

Up to $40,000 is available in 2024-25 for Community Participation Grants.

Please contact the Coast Protection Branch on (08) 8124 4928 or email to request an application form.




Community Participation Grants are intended for the following types of coastal projects: 

  • Conservation and restoration activities (for example fencing, revegetation, access control) 
  • Educational activities (for example workshops, signage)
  • Monitoring activities (for example beach pole, photopoint, king tide, intertidal reef, coastal vegetation)

This is not an exhaustive list and innovative ideas are welcome. Please contact the Coast Protection Branch via phone (08) 8124 4928 or email if you wish to discuss your project idea.


Applicants can apply for funding if they gain the support of the relevant Council. Council must administer the grant on behalf of the volunteer group.


Projects in areas which have not received funding in recent years may be prioritised for regional balance. Projects involving volunteer groups which have not received funding in recent years may be prioritised for balance across applicants.

Contact Details

We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.