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Forestry Transition Fund

Funding Providers

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (VIC)



Funding Type

Cash grant G15692

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Businesses
  • Not-for-Profits
  • Local Governments


Amount (max): $1,000,000
Total pool: $12,000,000


  • EOI opened 07-Nov-2024 closes 29-Aug-2025 5pm
    Applications Closes 31-Oct-2025 5pm
Please note: this grant program requires an EOI application process.


Grants of up to $1 million for businesses and industry groups to expand, diversify or start new businesses.


The Forestry Transition Fund supports job creation and business development in towns or communities affected by the end of native timber harvesting in Victoria.

Transition Fund - Round 2 grants are available to create new jobs, including jobs for displaced timber workers, in towns and communities significantly impacted by the forestry transition.

The fund supports:

  • The creation or maintenance of jobs and economic growth with a focus on permanent jobs for displaced native timber workers through:
    • expanding existing operations
    • establishing new operations
    • diversifying operations.
  • Business, industry, or community groups, local government authorities, or other organisations to provide enabling infrastructure to activate job-creating projects in the affected towns or communities.



  • Private sector businesses
  • Business and industry groups including but not limited to:
    • chambers of commerce and business associations
    • industry peak bodies
    • business and industry clusters and networks (noting that a cluster or network would need to nominate a business or entity to enter into the funding agreement and take on primary responsibility and liability for delivering the project).
  • Incorporated not-for-profit organisations that operate as a business
  • Local Government Authorities.

Contact Details

We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.