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Towong Community Bushfire Disaster Relief Fund Grant Program - Round 7

Funding Providers

Border Trust



Funding Type

Cash grant G15814

Primary Category

Bushfire and disaster relief

Eligible to

  • Not-for-Profits


Amount (max): $50,000 (approx)
Total pool: Undisclosed


  • Opened 15-Oct-2024 Closes 03-Mar-2025


Provide funds for the relief of people in the community in distress as a result of the 2019-2020 Victorian Bushfires, including relief by way of assistance to re-establish a community.


Grant program is primarily targeting applications up to $50,000. Applications for funding up to $100,000 may, however, be considered after consultation with Border Trust.

Round Seven will feature two review dates:

  • For applications received by 15th November, outcomes will be advised in December 2024
  • For applications received after 15th November, outcomes will be advised in April 2025.

Projects are funded for a one-year time frame unless otherwise agreed with Border Trust.

Focus Areas for Round Seven include:

  • Health & wellbeing initiatives for the long-term recovery of people affected by fire Programs, events, and initiatives that support the development of emerging leaders in the bushfire affected areas
  • Events and initiatives that promote social cohesion, reduce social isolation, build community resilience, and connect bushfire affected communities
  • Projects addressing the relief, recovery and re-establishing of a community


What We Are Most Likely to Fund

  • Activity which has ongoing benefit to the communities affected by the 2019/2020 bushfires as per the Specific Granting Aims as outlined above 
  • Initiatives that have demonstrated community support 
  • Projects which encourage partnerships 
  • Innovative & inclusive undertakings 
  • Projects which are in keeping with the mission and aims of Border Trust and those of our granting partners
  • Please note: The encouragement or advancement of sport, recreation and social activities is not considered a charitable activity by the Australian Taxation Office. Applications from sporting organisations therefore need to clearly demonstrate a benefit to the wider community and should indicate which other local organisations are involved.

What we are less likely to fund

  • Capital works 
  • Ongoing salaries 
  • Projects in successive years where progress and/or stages of development are not fully explained.

What We Do Not Fund

  • Recreational or commercial sporting activities 
  • Projects for private benefit or individuals 
  • Activities or events that have commenced or already taken place.


Eligibility Criteria

This grant program supports the recovery of communities located within the Towong Shire. To be eligible, your organisation must: 

  • Be a not-for-profit community-based organisation which functions for charitable purposes 
  • Operate for the benefit of communities within the Towong Shire 
  • Have a registered ABN or Incorporated Association Number 
  • Meet any other specific eligibility requirements as noted 
  • Provide a full budget and quote/s to support the amount requested.

Please Note: 

  • Organisations with, and without, Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR Item 1) status are invited to apply 
  • Registration with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC) is strongly preferred.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.