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Make It Happen Grants

Funding Providers

Hobsons Bay City Council


Hobsons Bay

Funding Type

Cash grant G16096

Primary Category

Community development

Eligible to

  • Not-for-Profits
  • Schools
  • Individuals
  • Unincorporated Groups


Amount (max): $25,000
Total pool: $500,000 (approx)


  • Opened 05-Feb-2025 Closes 31-Mar-2025 1pm


The Hobsons Bay Make it Happen grants program provides funding to support our community to ‘make things happen’.


The Hobsons Bay Make it Happen grants program provides funding to support our community to ‘make things happen’.

The program can provide support to enable activities, projects, programs, events and resources across all sectors including environment, sustainability, sport and recreation, arts and culture, health and wellbeing, multicultural, community and neighbourhood development, technology, projects by and for young people, children and families and more.


There are three categories of funding:

  • Toyota equipment and resources (up to $1,500)
  • Community projects (up to $15,000)
  • Events and festivals (up to $25,000)



Eligible to apply are:

  • non-profit or not for profit, incorporated clubs, groups, organisations, community centres, neighbourhood houses, schools and other facilities
  • professional producers are eligible to apply for events and festivals, if the activity proposed provides demonstrated benefits to the city of Hobsons Bay, with significant community and cultural value and/or visitation and economic benefits
  • Artists can apply under an auspice, noting the application must be for a community project that takes place in Hobsons Bay and must demonstrate a local need, community consultation/engagement and impact
  • applicants can be based in Hobsons Bay or outside Hobsons Bay, however the application must be for resources and activities that take place in Hobsons Bay and must demonstrate local need and impact; if online, highly relevant to Hobsons Bay
  • community activities require the majority of participants to come from Hobsons Bay. Event and festival applications may encourage local as well as tourist and visitor experiences Depending on the priorities and applications received, applicants based in Hobsons Bay may be prioritised.
  • equipment requests where the equipment is located at a venue in Hobsons Bay and remains the asset of the incorporated not for profit group

Not eligible to be funded:

  • organisations that have previously received a grant from Council and have not provided a satisfactory Acquittal Report by the due date
  • organisations that owe money to Council
  • Williamstown Town Hall venue hire already subsidised through community rates, please discuss with the events team
  • organisations that promote or derive income from gambling or the proposal promotes gambling
  • organisations or activities that receive sponsorship from gambling venues, online gambling or other gambling providers or undertake the activity in a gaming venue 
  • organisations currently funded by Council to undertake the same activity 
  • proposals which are deemed as core curriculum activities of educational institutions (schools and kindergartens) and are totally education focused 
  • proposals for ongoing salaries, capital works, maintenance, vehicles, trophies, fundraising, school/early years fetes or celebrations, fairs, markets, donations, sponsorship, operational and administration costs
  • proposals for sponsorship where the funds are directly redistributed to a third party or person 
  • proposals that would require ongoing financial support from Council
  • proposals that have been or could be funded from other sources (e.g. fees, sponsorship, service agreements, etc.) or other levels of government 
  • equipment requests over $1,500 
  • equipment or resources that are for an individual 
  • equipment that is not stored, located and/or used within Hobsons Bay 
  • fees for grants writers 
  • other ineligible items listed in information sheets on the website at Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 3

Contact Details

Cathy Miles

We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.