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Community Biodiversity Grants

Funding Providers

Hepburn Shire Council



Funding Type

Cash grant G16125

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Schools
  • Not-for-Profits
  • Unincorporated Groups


Amount (max): $8,000
Total pool: $28,000


  • Opened 03-Feb-2025 Closes 16-Mar-2025


The Hepburn Shire Biodiversity Grants Program provides funding annually to community groups and organisations.


Organisations can apply for funding of up to $5,000 for 12-month projects and up to $8,000 for 24-month, projects which aim to protect and enhance biodiversity through conducting on-ground works and/or increasing community interest and capacity to protect and enhance biodiversity.

Projects may include: 

  • On-ground works such as planting or ‘assisted natural regeneration’, weed control, pest control on public or private land that enhances the region’s biodiversity. 
  • Strategic group equipment purchase (must identify maintenance, storage and security asset register process)
  • Publications, electronic media or events aimed at raising awareness of biodiversity issues and promoting action. 
  • Activities such as training and networking activities that increase capacity and sustainability of volunteer groups.


Who can apply?

Local not-for-profit and community groups in the Hepburn Shire, which are incorporated with an ABN, or have an auspicing agent, are encouraged to apply.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.