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Community Development Grants

Funding Providers

Manningham City Council



Funding Type

Cash grant G16195

Primary Category

Community development

Eligible to

  • Schools
  • Not-for-Profits
  • Unincorporated Groups


Amount : $3,001 to $20,000
Total pool: $110,000


  • Opened 03-Feb-2025 Closes 11-Mar-2025 5pm (AEDT)


The Community Development Grant enables not-for-profit groups and organisations to achieve short to medium term community development outcomes.


Specifically, Council seeks to fund activities that align with the directions outlined in Council plans and strategies. This includes activities that respond to the needs of Manningham’s diverse community with a focus on:

  • individuals and community groups who experience social isolation or disadvantage
  • older residents
  • people with a disability
  • young people
  • culturally and linguistically diverse
  • women and children experiencing violence.

Community Development Grants aim to:

  • respond to a specific need in the community
  • be inclusive and allow all members of the community to participate, including targeted responses that enable vulnerable individuals and groups to participate in local activities and opportunities
  • foster an inclusive and harmonious community, drawing strength from difference and diversity
  • enhance the health and wellbeing of the Manningham community
  • support a safer and more resilient community
  • encourage collaboration between Council, groups and organisations for the benefit of the community
  • enhance community outcomes through organisational change or development such as capacity building and research.

Funding between $3,001 and $20,000 is available. Allocations are for one financial year and are not recurrent. The total notional allocation is $110,000 per annum.


Examples of Community Development Grant activities could include:

  • A mental health and wellbeing project that will engage people at risk of social isolation through the delivery of a leadership project that enhance participant connections with their local community
  • A partnership activity that seeks to reduce the incidence of family violence in Manningham
  • An innovative initiative that will increase the community’s understanding of gender equity by delivering a series of interactive and informative workshops to drive cultural change.
  • An initiative that supports the most vulnerable in our community that provides enhanced access to food and other personal support.


Grants applicants must be:

  • A not-for-profit constituted body such as an Incorporated Association or a Company by Limited Guarantee, or
  • Auspiced by a not-for-profit organisation that is incorporated and be able to accept legal and financial responsibility for the project, or
  • A school. Schools are encouraged to partner with community groups in activities that benefit the wider community

In addition to the above criteria, organisations must also:

  • be located or deliver activities within Manningham
  • determine and adhere to legislative requirements related to the funded activity. For example, if the funded activity involves contact with children, a Working with Children Check may be required
  • have no outstanding debts to Council
  • provide an Incorporation Number
  • provide an ABN or completed Statement by Supplier form have a public liability insurance policy for a minimum of $20 million coverage
  • provide a financial statement as per the requirement of operating an Incorporated Association, Charity or Company Limited by Guarantee
  • provide written quotes for all expenditure items over $500 that are essential for the delivery of the activity. Goods and services to be provided by ABN registered suppliers
  • apply before the closing date

Applicants may apply for a grant in more than one grant category each year, however a separate application form for each grant category must be completed and submitted by the due date.

Who is not eligible to apply?

Applicants will not be eligible for funding if they are:

  • An individual
  • A community organisation that is not incorporated, unless they partner with a not-for-profit or organisation (“auspice”)
  • A for-profit organisation.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.