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Sustainable Hepburn Grants

Funding Providers

Hepburn Shire Council



Funding Type

Cash grant G16374

Primary Category


Eligible to

  • Not-for-Profits


Total pool: $35,000


  • Opened 03-Feb-2025 Closes 16-Mar-2025


Hepburn Shire Council's Sustainable Hepburn Grants Program supports community-based projects and initiatives that aim to reduce future impacts of climate change and promote or establish circular economy focused programs.


Council has committed up to $35,000 to support community driven sustainability initiatives in 2025. Funding is available for projects that can demonstrate a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, through reduced energy consumption, reduced or avoided materials use, reduced or avoided waste to landfill, carbon drawdown or increasing renewable energy in community facilities.

Projects may include:

  • Renewable energy systems, such as solar photovoltaics Insulation and weather proofing
  • Energy efficient heating/cooling systems
  • Energy efficient lighting Energy efficient hot water, kitchen, or other fixed appliances
  • Carbon drawdown programs
  • Initiatives which support or encourage circular economy, low-carbon activities and education through reduced energy consumption, reduced or avoided materials use, reduced or avoided waste to landfill
  • Initiatives which support or encourage sustainable practices and initiatives within the community.

We encourage programs that upgrade energy inefficient appliances, replace fossil fuelbased energy with renewable energy as well as programs that shift the behaviour of Hepburn Shire residents to become more sustainable through education and awareness.


Who can apply?

Local not-for-profit and community groups in the Hepburn Shire, which are incorporated with an ABN, or have an auspicing agent, are encouraged to apply. Groups based outside of the Shire are encouraged to apply if they can partner with local organisations to deliver the project.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.