Community Capacity Building Grant
Funding Providers
City of Stonnington
StonningtonFunding Type
Cash grant G16887
Primary Category
Community developmentEligible to
- Not-for-Profits
Amount (max): $15,000Total pool: Undisclosed
- Opened 03-Mar-2025 Closes 31-Mar-2025
This grant is provided to organisations to deliver programs, projects and activities that benefit Stonnington residents and align with Council priorities and strategic direction.
The City of Stonnington will fund up to $15,000 for these types of activities:
- social and cultural activities and events
- minor equipment purchases (less than $2,000)
- environmental initiatives and programs
- health and wellbeing activities
- activities that increase opportunities for organised and passive physical exercise
- programs addressing priorities announced by Council as part of the community grants program, such as addressing a disaster event or significant social issues.
Not-for-profit, community organisations residing in Stonnington, or providing services to residents of Stonnington, are eligible to apply for a Community Grant. All applications will be assessed on an individual basis and will be determined in accordance with the assessment criteria.
The applicant must:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or an eligible Auspice Organisation with an ABN and written consent, AND
- be not-for-profit and incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act or enacted under legislative provisions for charitable purposes, OR
- be supported by an Incorporated Association that is deemed to be a not-for-profit, as classified by the Australian Taxation Office (section 103A(2) (c) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936).
- comply with Child Safety Standards and attach a Child Safe Policy to the grant application if the organisation provides services and facilities for children (anyone under 18 years old). Information on the Victorian Child Safe Standards can be found online at;
- have current Public Liability insurance of no less than $20,000,000; and
- have acquitted any previous Council grants and have no outstanding debts to Council.
Applications / Guidelines

Contact Details
- Phone: 0438 790 116
- Email:
We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.