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Community Grants

Funding Providers

CAGES Foundation


Australia Wide

Funding Type

Cash grant G07426

Primary Category

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples

Eligible to

  • Not-for-Profits


  • DGR Status is required


Amount (max): $50,000
Total pool: Undisclosed




The CAGES Foundation Community Grants stream provides one-off grants to organisations providing services to children and their families.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children have the right to grow up healthy, happy and safe. To dream, believe, flourish and succeed, strong in culture and identity.

Aboriginal controlled organisations and community have the skills, knowledge and experience to implement strategies to create these nurturing environments for children.

CAGES Foundation invests in these organisations. Requests for funding up to $50,000 will be considered.



  • Community Grants are only available to Aboriginal Controlled Organisations who are non-profits
  • Gifts from the community grants stream are for Aboriginal controlled organisations responding to an immediate need.
  • Activities will be focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the first five years of life.
  • Request for funding up to $50,000 will be considered
  • Funding is short-term (one off grants only)
  • Any activity must be community endorsed.
  • All organisations must have DGR1 tax status.

Applications / Guidelines

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.