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Joint Strike Fighter Industry Support Program - Production and Modernisation Grants

Funding Providers

Department of Defence


Australia Wide

Funding Type

Cash grant G11667

Primary Category

Science and technology

Eligible to

  • Not-for-Profits
  • Universities
  • Businesses


Amount : $150,000 (approx) to $1,500,000 (approx)
Total pool: $4,000,000




The objective of the grant opportunity is to provide funding to Australian companies and research organisations to support the development of new or improved capabilities that may enhance their ability to win work in the production and modernisation of the JSF Program.


This grant provides funding to develop new or improved capabilities to win work in the production and modernisation phases of the Joint Strike Fighter Program.

The intended outcomes are a strong, skilled and successful defence industry that:

  • is committed to increase, identify and make the most of business opportunities within Australia and overseas
  • has improved competitiveness by developing skills of the workforce, fostering innovation and boosting productivity.

Grants available

For this grant opportunity $4 million is available over seven years from 2021-22 to 2027-28.

The grant amount will be up to 50 per cent of eligible project expenditure. 

  • The minimum grant amount is $150,000. 
  • The maximum grant amount is $1.5 million.

You are responsible for the remaining 50 per cent of eligible project expenditure plus any ineligible expenditure.

Contributions to your project must be cash.

You cannot use funding from other Commonwealth, State, Territory or local government grants to fund the balance of project expenditure not covered by the grant.



To be eligible you must:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • be registered for the goods and services tax (GST).

You must be one of the following entities:

  • an entity, incorporated in Australia
  • an Australian university
  • a publicly funded research organisation (PFRO) 
  • a cooperative research centre.

You must provide:

  • evidence of ownership, access to, or the beneficial use of, any intellectual property necessary to carry out the project
  • evidence from your board (or chief executive officer or equivalent if there is no board) that the project is supported, and that you can complete the project and meet the costs of the project not covered by grant funding
  • an Accountant Declaration that confirms you can fund your share of the project costs. 

Who is not eligible?

You are not eligible to apply if you are: 

  • an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s website on the list of ‘Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme’ (
  • an employer of 100 or more employees that has not complied with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 20122 
  • income tax exempt 
  • an individual 
  • partnership 
  • unincorporated association 
  • any organisation not included in section 4.1 
  • a Commonwealth, state, territory or local government body (including government business enterprises) 
  • a non-corporate Commonwealth entity.

Contact Details


We take pride in ensuring our data is up to date and accurate, but you should not rely on our data alone. Please double-check important information on the funder's website before applying.